Buying Service

Buying Service

Welcome to TheProduceMarketPlace website. We understand that it is hard to have to put in numerous credit applications for each shipper on our site. We intend to have thousands of options for you in the future to choose from. You can now put in one credit application to our buying service and then you can buy from most anyone on our site (at the discretion of the shipper/grower). All you have to do is choose the buying service option at the bottom of the price sheet and then commit to order. The buying service will take billing and bill you direct for a fee of .50 per case (terms will be set up after you have submitted you’re credit application and been approved). All PACA guidelines will have to be observed. This is just another service we will be offering to make this the easiest site to work with. Now you can buy from most anyone in the country without waiting for them to approve your credit. Once approved by our buying service we can be your broker when you need one. Anyone you already have credit with you can place your orders like you normally would. Simply fill out this form to begin! Fill out the credit application and email it to